The Greek Book Tag

I am obsessed with Greek! It's one of my favorite shows ever, with one of my favorite couples ever. Cappie and Casey 4eva! It's been gone from Netflix forever but finally showed up on Hulu recently and I am living! As I was binge watching season 1 the other day while working on the blog, I thought, I should totally make a Greek-inspired book tag. I had a lot of fun coming up with the questions and I hope you all have fun answering them!

Casey Cartwright

She tends toward sarcasm and witty comebacks and doesn't take crap from anyone. Tell me your favorite snarky heroine.

 For this, I'm going with Rose from Vampire Academy. She has a sarcastic comment for everything, even in the middle of a fight or on the brink of death. 

I shipped them right from the beginning and they will always have a place in my little shipper heart. Tell me your favorite couple.

Fresh from reading Finale by Stephanie Garber, I have to say, Jacks and Tella still do it for me. All the love interests in that series are terrible, but he is my garbage prince and I love their chemistry. 

 Evan is the third side to this love-triangle, a trope I absolutely love. Tell me one of your favorite tropes.

Well, other than love triangles, I really enjoy the lost princess trope. Especially ones who are Back and ready to kick ass to reclaim their throne.


Ashleigh and Casey are friendship goals. What book features your favorite friend group?

I LOVE the Rampion Crew from The Lunar Chronicles. Each and every one of those characters adds something to the group that would be sorely missing without them there. I love how they came together, I love their absolute faith in one another, and I love their banter. 

You start out hating Rebecca, and with good reason. But as the series goes on, your heart softens to this bad girl. Which fictional character do you think goes through the most character development? 

I think American Panda did an excellent job at this. At the beginning of the book Mei is shy and naive and very much under her parents' thumb. But as the story goes on, she comes out of her shell, learns things about her family she hadn't known before, and breaks out to make choices for herself. She chases her ambitions a bit and learns to put herself first sometimes. 

Rusty is Casey's nerdy little brother, and a science major. Recommend a science fiction book.

I just read Wilder Girls and it was amazing. It's not space-focused science fiction. Instead it's more speculative and deals with a strange toxin that is changing the girls at a boarding school located on a mysterious island. They're growing scales and gills and extra spines. It's creepy and gross and gory and perfect.

Frannie eventually breaks out on her own and starts her own sorority. What is your favorite spin-off?

I really had to think about this, as I don't read many spin-off series apparently. But it turns out, this is actually easy! Technically, Six of Crows totally counts and that's my answer. It's even better than the Grisha trilogy, in my (and everyone's) opinion and if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?

It was kind of a big deal at the time to have a black, gay main character on TV. What's the last book you read with an LGBT+ main character?

Well, right now I am listening to the audiobook of Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins and really enjoying it! I haven't gotten to the romance yet, but I really like the main character and the friendship dynamics. I also think it's a great depiction of a young bi girl navigating her first relationships.

Dale is definitely strong in his convictions, and holds onto that part of himself throughout the series, while softening in other regards. Who is your favorite religous character?

I absolutely love Tovah from You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone. I feel like there's a real dearth of faith and religion in YA contemporary, and Tovah is a character who embraces her beliefs and finds strength in her religion. I especially loved her devotion in juxtaposition to her sister's relationship with Judaism.

 Beaver looks big and scary, but really, he's just a (very hot) teddy bear. Tell me about a character who looks tough on the outside but is actually a cinnamon roll.

Sybella is the first character that came time mind for this. I don't even know if she necessarily looks scary, but she gives off an air of Don't Fuck With Me. But on the inside she's hurting and very soft and wow does she ever LOVE her sisters. 

Jen K
No one suspected Jen K was behind the harsh article attacking the Greeks on campus. What book has the best plot twist? Be sure to avoid spoilers!

Hands down, the best thriller with a twist is Dangerous Girls. The best series game changers? Those belong to The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King. Also I have to say I was SHOOK about the "revelation" in Prince's Gambit.

The fact that Heath has a sister named Heather cracks. me. up. Who are your favorite fictional siblings?
Blanca and Roja from, you guessed it, Blanca and Roja. I love them. I feel like so often when sisters in YA are at odds with one another, it's 100% tocix. And if they're not that, then they're the Best Friends Who Ever Existed. The relationship between Blanca and Roja felt so much more realistic than those stereotypes, even though they were best friends and they were at odds with one another.
 Teegan is here to get the ZBZ girls in line, and in doing so, fills an antagonistic roll to Casey. Who is your favorite antagonist?
I know I said The Lunar Chronicles already for an answer, but when thinking of true villains, with no grey areas at all, Levana is my fave. She's JUST bad. There's nothing to like in her at all. And that's what I like about her, if that makes sense. Meyer didn't try to humanize or sympathize with her. Levana is awful in every way, but she's also terrifying and powerful, too. A great villain with a believable motivation.
Max dated Casey for a while, and he was the most likable boyfriend for me. (I liked him as much as I could like someone who wasn't Cappie.) Anyway, when they broke up, he left for Europe. What book do you love that features travel?

This has to go to The Girl With the Red Balloon. There is not only a trip to Berlin, but there is also a trip across time, when Ellie, the main character, grabs a balloon and is transported to 1988 East Berlin and has to get herself home. I love this book, the characters, and the relationships, as well as the magic system! Magic and science coming together always intrigues me.

Katherine is far and away one of my favorite characters. She's just so fully herself. And one of her best qualities is her drive, her ambition. She's a total Slytherin. Who is one of your favorite Slytherin characters?
This goes to my bad bitch, Lada, from And I Darken. I mean, she's Lada the Impaler, so there's that. But she's ambitious and willing to do whatever it takes, even when the odds are against her, to get exactly what she wants. She pulls together an army from absolutely nothing, and if that's not resourcefulness then I don't know what is. She's everything.
Consider yourself tagged! Whether or not you've seen the show (which you should do ASAP) I hope you enjoyed this tag.

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