Books I Plan to Read This Summer

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week we're discussing the books we plan to read this summer. I already talked about five yesterday in my 5-star Predictions post, so if you want to see the first half of this TBR, head that way.

1. Here There Are Monsters by Amelinda Berube. I don't totally know what this is about but it's being pitched as The Blair Witch Project meets one of my favorite books ever, Imaginary Girls. That's all I really need to know. Sisters, secrets. I'm ready for some YA horror in my life.

2. Empress of Forever by Max Gladstone. I recently picked this one because there was a lot of yelling on Twitter. That's it. I knew nothing except that it is supposedly feminist sci-fi. I already started it and I'm already in love with Viv.

3. The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring. This is another one I don't know too much about. As with any thrillers or horror novels, I just like to be as blind as possible going in because I don't want to guess the twist too early. I love this cover though, and I'm excited to get scared.

4. Heartwood Box by Ann Aguirre. So the publisher tweeted about this and said it was a YA thriller with a bit of a sci-fi edge? I'm here for it. Let me unravel all the mysteries.

5. The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen. My friend Gaby raved about this one so obviously I had to grab myself a copy. I've been sort of struggling with fantasy this year but I'm hoping this can rope me back into my love for the genre.

What books are you planning to dive into this summer? Let me know in the comments!

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