5-Star Predictions

Approximately seven thousand years ago, I wrote my first 5-star predictions post. I picked out five books I thought I'd love to pieces and set out to read them. Reader, it did not go well. There were DNFs. There were low ratings. I still haven't even touched the final book on the list. What we're going to do today is pretend that never happened, and start fresh. I present to you five new 5-star predictions.

Winter by Marissa Meyer. This is probably cheating because I'm currently reading it already, but it actually was what inspired me to write this post to begin with. I'm having so, so much fun finally finishing The Lunar Chronicles, and it made me nostalgic for the period of time in which they were published. I was reading more back then and just having a really good time doing so, and I've been getting that feeling back through Cress first, and now Winter.

Courting Darkness by Robin LaFevers. Every other book in this series was a 5-star read for me so it stands to reason that this will be, too. I'm excited to get to know new characters as well as revisit the old ones, Sybella particularly. I really can't wait and I don't know why I've been putting it off.

Circe by Madeline Miller. I mean, we've all read The Song of Achilles by now, right? If you haven't, stop reading this post and go pick it up right now. That's one of my all-time favorites and so I'm sure Circe will be just as amazing.

Finale by Stephanie Garber. This is the only one I'm actually a little bit iffy about. I have a particular ship and I just don't know how I'd react if it sunk. Say what you want to say, but my enjoyment of this book will really hinge upon who Tella ends up with. Hopefully, it will still be an enjoyable read for me, but it won't be 5 stars, I can tell you that much.

Bright We Burn by Kiersten White. I think this is a given. No matter what happens in this I will be both happy and SUFFERING and I will be thankful for it.

I'm really looking forward to reading all of these sometime very soon! I'm hoping that along with writing this post, the fact that all of these are likely to be extremely positive reading experiences will keep me motivated and accountable. I will have a wrap-up/conclusion post for this, I swear!

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